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Category: Health

Carrot Seed Oil Benefits

Carrot Seed Oil Benefits, Uses and Side Effects

Although carrot seed oil has been removed from the orange ubiquitous vegetable it should not be replaced by mistake with the macerated carrot oil which is cheaper. This essential oil has healing natural properties, that …
Health Benefits of Moringa Tea

5 Science-Based Health Benefits of Moringa Tea

Moringa tea is the latest addition to the list of superfoods. In Eastern medicine, the small tree called moringa oleifera has been used to both treat and prevent medical problems including heart disease, diabetes, liver …
5 Ways to Prevent and Treat Mercury Poisoning

5 Ways to Prevent and Treat Mercury Poisoning

Mercury poisoning occurs when an individual ingests a toxic level of mercury, a naturally occurring metal found in foods and the environment. Mercury poisoning usually occurs gradually over weeks or months as an individual accumulates …