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Category: Health

apple cider vinegar benefits

10 Proven Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

It is not just “another kind of vinegar”. Apple cider vinegar, which is produced with fermentation of apple juice, is used especially for the ability to reduce body weight and other health problems. And most …
black cherry

10 Amazing Health Benefits Black Cherry

Black cherry, or Prunus serotina, is part of the rose family. It shares the same benefits of other cherries such as bing, royal Ann and red cherries.  Black cherry, as the name suggests, has a …
grated ginger

Ginger – The most Powerful Protector of the Body

The power of ginger root is incredible. Ginger is one of the most powerful protectors of the body, containing vitamin C, selenium, potassium, manganese and beta-carotene. Beside that activates the immune system, soothes stomach pain, …