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7 Surprising Burdock Root Benefits For Your Hair, Skin, And Body

Are you familiar with an herb which can be helpful for purifying the blood and at the same time fight against arthritis? In case you are not, learn more about one herb-burdock root famous for the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Its potential is immense, as a cure for disorders of the skin or cure that boosts the health overall.

This herb has carbohydrates, fatty oils, volatile oils, and antioxidants that are very powerful like phenolic acids, luteolin, and quercetin. The most beneficial are the roots and because of that many different ailments have been cured with them in alternative medicine.

1. Cures Eczema and Acne

Burdock root will help you solve problems with your skin like psoriasis and acne. It has polyacetylenes, that have antibiotic and antifungal characteristics. And this helps you fight acne-causing bacteria. It kills Streptococcus bacteria that infests cracked skin.

The anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties of burdock root make it a natural cure for skin conditions like eczema. In folk medicine in Britain, a decoction that is prepared when burdock root is boiled was used for improving skin complexion.

2. Promotes Hair Growth

Burdock root is stimulating the growth of the hair because it improves the scalp’s blood circulation. It also is relieving scalp irritation and many other disorders of the scalp. Apply burdock root tincture on the scalp. You can mix the tincture with water.

Being abundant with important fatty acids and phytosterols, it is helpful for maintaining a healthy scalp, and promotes the natural growth of the hair. It is also effective in treating dandruff and scalp itching.

3. Regulates Blood Sugar Level

Is diabetes troubling you? Then, you should try this herb. Some researchers have found an effect of lowering the blood sugar levels in animals from an extract which was made from burdock. Burdock has dietary fiber that are preventing the sugars’ absorption. Moreover, the content of chromium it has is helpful for the regulation of the levels of sugar in the blood.

4. Burdock Root Protects the Liver

An efficient functioning liver is vital for your overall health as it is responsible for cleaning toxins and wastes from your blood. Burdock roots help you in keeping your liver healthy. Burdock is promoting the bile’s production, that is being secreted by the liver, and assists the body for excreting the products that are waste from the blood.

Therefore, the detoxifying properties of burdock is improving the functions of the liver. According to some researches, burdock root can be helpful in the treatment of the damage of the liver cause by the use of alcohol.  The digestion will be also improved when the bile is effectively produced.

5. Improves Kidney Functions

Your kidneys are responsible for removing excess water and wastes from the blood and forming the urine. The diuretic effect of burdock roots is working in favor of the kidneys. It helps the elimination of the water that is excess by increasing the output of the urine. They own detoxifying characteristics, which are helping the kidneys to keep clean and to remove toxins. Therefore, it is preventing disorders like kidney stones.

6. Prevents Cancer

Due to its anti-tumor and anti-cancer effects, burdock root is known as a top healing cancer herb. Some researchers have found a compound in burdock root which is able to reduce the mutation of the cells. Arctigenin, which is a chemical substance isolated from burdock, which possess strong anti-cancer activity, but the effect varies from tissue to tissue and among different types of cancer. Also, burdock is one of the four herbs in Essiac tea, which is an important alternative cancer remedy.

7. Fights Arthritis

In case you suffer from arthritis problems, burdock roots could be helpful for reducing the swelling and as well as the pain in the joint that is related to it. The burdock roots are famous for the anti-inflammatory characteristics they have. It also eases gout and sciatica by reducing swelling around joints.

How to Use It

Burdock is medicinally used in different forms, such as dried root powder, fluid extracts, decoctions (liquid made by boiling down the herb in water), capsules, and tinctures.

Burdock tea made from burdock roots also bring many health benefits. According to one research, burdock root tea can improve the oxidative stress and inflammatory status in patients that suffer from osteoarthritis of the knees. If you want to have a burdock tea, this is how you can make it:

  • Put 1 tsp. of burdock root in 2 mugs water. The water should be cold.
  • Let it boil for about 30 minutes.
  • Leave it to cool and then strain it.
  • You can consume 2 mugs in a day, a few tbsp. at a time.

A Word of Caution

Burdock roots boost your immunity. However, they can cause side effects if they interact with other herbs or medications. So, it is safe to talk to your health care provider before you have it. Be aware of these measures of precaution:

  • Nursing and pregnant women should not use burdock roots because it can cause damage to the fetus.
  • Individuals that are sensitive to chrysanthemums, daisies, or ragweed can have an allergic reaction to this herb.
  • In case your body is in a condition of dehydration, do not use it; its diuretic effect could increase the dehydration.
  • No scientific reports on its pediatric use. So, it is better to seek advice from your doctor before giving it to children.
  • The roots of burdock resemble very closely to those of deadly nightshade or belladonna. So, be careful while you pick burdock roots.
  • Make sure you buy burdock products from trustworthy companies.

Via: CureJoy

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