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What are the Benefits of Dynamic Stretching and How to Get Started?

Dynamic stretching is defined as variations of active movements that promote a wide range of displacement. Thus, the joints and muscles are favored by full mobility.

They differ from static stretching because mobility is the protagonist of physical activity. Also, positions are not held for long, which is the case with static mode.

In other words, one represents the muscular extension together with the support at rest, and the other defends the progressive alternation of the movements. Are you interested in knowing more about it? Discover its benefits and how to do them.

What are the benefits of dynamic stretching?

The primary benefits of dynamic stretches – disregarding that they are performed under the correct technique – are linked to safe exercise. However, the contributions extend further. In that sense, the most interesting and effective advantages are the following:

  • Careful muscle preparation. Muscle fitness prior to physical exertion takes place without impairing subsequent muscular endurance, or promoting inconvenient excessive relaxation.
  • Warm up. It prepares the body as much as possible for the requirements of the sport, which improves freedom of movement and, therefore, performance.
  • Increase in strength. Optimizes the oxygenation of the tissues, an effect that translates into the enhancement of strength.
  • Mental fitness. With dynamic stretches that resemble the movements of later activity, the mind adjusts more quickly. In addition to this, the heart rate increases gradually.
  • Injury prevention. It rules out sharp variations during tapering in sport, which greatly avoids muscle injuries.

Tips for Dynamic Stretching

Like all physical practice, there must be a regulation in the technique to take advantage of its benefits and not suffer muscular affectations. Therefore, we have put together tips to avoid the main consequences. Some of the essential measures to perform dynamic stretching are presented below:

  • Start the movements slowly and gradually increase the intensity, so that the joints adapt naturally and reach their maximum mobility.
  • Before stretching, use 3 minutes of controlled aerobic activity.
  • Do not exceed 12 minutes of dynamic stretching (recommended range between 6 and 12 minutes).
  • Discard excessive elongation at the end of movements.
  • The time between the end of the stretch and the beginning of sports practice cannot exceed 5 minutes.

At what time of training is it appropriate to perform them?

The best time in training for dynamic stretching to be incorporated is before starting the routine. The reason? They help the muscles prepare sufficiently for subsequent stresses. In this way, we present before which disciplines can be effective.

1. Before cardiovascular exercises

Through its function of heating and preparing the muscles, better performance is achieved at the points of maximum demand. Likewise, they allow to rule out injuries that are the product of a restricted joint range of motion.

2. Before weightlifting

One of the great disparities of static and dynamic stretches is that the latter are capable of increasing power. This is a condition that is taken advantage of in weightlifting with the improvement of the power of extension of the legs, as expressed in a study of the National Library of Medicine of the United States.

3. As a preview of athletics and other sports

Jumping, running, soccer, tennis, basketball, rugby, among many other sports, benefit from dynamic stretching, according to the International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy. Muscular endurance, flexibility and agility are the components that are improved.

Dynamic stretching exercises

The available exercises are endless, since there are alternatives to apply to personalized routines of any discipline. Despite this, the most used are those expressed in the following space.

Leg pendulum

It helps to strengthen balance and also extends circulation and endurance that many sports or practices in general require. To develop the leg pendulum it is necessary to proceed as follows:

  • Set one foot on the ground and arms akimbo with hands on the waist.
  • Swing your suspended foot back and forth slowly. As you gain confidence, increase your speed.
  • Repeat the movement 10 times with each leg.
  • Vary the stretch and add difficulty with lateral mobility of each leg.

Arm circles

Doing arm circles is one of the stretches most used by runners. In this case, the diameter described by the arms must be wide to maximize the work of the joints. Its execution takes place with the following sequence:

  • Stand with your feet parallel, shoulder-width apart.
  • Extend your arms to the side areas.
  • Do wide circular motions at the same time. Gradually increase the speed of execution.
  • Apply 10 repetitions with circular movements forward and another 10 backwards.
  • Complete 2 or 3 sets.

Spinal rotation

Spinal rotation affects the upper body, rising as a possibility before lifting weights. In short, its simple execution only requires the following:

  • Position your feet with the distance established by the imaginary line of the shoulders.
  • Extend your arms forward, taking shoulder height as a reference.
  • Turn your body to the sides with your arms in the starting position.
  • Perform 2 sets of 10 reps.

Modification from trot to quad stretch

The last of the dynamic stretching exercises is the most complete, since it is compatible with any routine. To this end, it is carried out under these steps:

  • Begin by jogging on the spot for no more than 4 seconds.
  • Bend one leg and take your foot to stretch your quadriceps for 3 seconds.
  • Repeat the jog for 2-3 seconds.
  • Stretch your quadriceps with the other leg.
  • Do 2 sets of 10 reps.

Final recommendations

It is recommended not to include dynamic stretching in the routine if there is any injury or discomfort with disabling pain. In these cases, medical consultation is the best tool to ensure viability.

On the other hand, an evaluation of the condition exhibited by adults over 65 is necessary before resorting to the dynamism of stretching. If risks are found, it is best to prioritize static sequences.

As a final point, dynamic stretching is not the best alternative in cooling stretches, since what they seek is an increase in core temperature with the transient elevation of mobility.

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