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The Beer Diet – Can Beer Be a Part of a Healthy Weight Loss Diet?

Like all alcoholic beverages, beer carries a bad reputation that is largely unjustified. Actually, this drink can provide many benefits for your body, so it is worthwhile to try some kind of beer diet.

Now, because of its alcohol content, consuming a lot of beer is not recommended. However, you can consume a moderate amount of alcohol without it being harmful. Even so, the best recommendation for any diet is alcohol-free beer.

It may still sound strange to you to talk about a diet based on this famous drink. This is not surprising since, as we said at the beginning, beer has a bad reputation for being associated with alcoholism.

However, scientific evidence shows that this beverage can offer you a lot of value, which we will tell you about in this article.

The Beer Belly is Just a Myth

Practically everyone associates the consumption of beer with an increase in the waistline, which is popularly known as a “beer belly.” However, recent scientific studies have determined that beer is not related to an expanding waistline.

This suggests that the so-called beer belly instead occurs as a result of a high intake of fat coupled with water retention. The above implies that those who develop a beer belly would have it regardless of whether they drank beer or not.

However, those who already have this condition can be more affected by an excessive consumption of beer because it causes gas.

Beer is Not to Blame for Obesity

The fact that an overweight person drinks beer does not mean that it is the beverage that is causing their obesity.

Research has been done to try to find a relationship between obesity and beer. According to the results, there is no evidence that you are going to gain weight from consuming beer.

Indeed, a person who consumes beer may be obese, but that obesity depends on specific metabolic conditions or a high caloric intake. The latter belies the myth that beer makes you fat because it has very few calories.

Should I Drink Beer when I Diet?

Recently, the “beer diet” has gotten more attention in the media.

This is the best time to clarify something: when we talk about the term “beer diet” here, we’re not referring to consuming a diet based on beer. Rather, we mean that you are allowed to consume a little bit of beer when you are dieting to lose weight. This, of course, should be in moderation and preferably alcohol-free.

As we mentioned, moderate consumption of beer in a diets to lose weight is recommended.

Nutritional Benefits and Low Calories

First of all, you can drink beer on moderation while you are on a diet without worrying about gaining weight.

Each standard bottle of beer (33 cl) contains 148 calories. If you opt for the alcohol-free kind, you will only be consuming 68 calories per beer.

Alcohol-free beer is the most recommended. This is not only because it contains fewer calories, but also because you avoid consuming alcohol, which is, in fact, the origin of beer’s bad reputation.

In turn, it is important to note that beer is rich in minerals and vitamins (especially B complex), and it’s diuretic.

Some Factors to Consider

The “Beer Diet” Isn’t a Diet in and of Itself

We recommend that you include the consumption of beer in whichever weight loss diet you are doing. In no case should beer ever replace any food.

Simply enjoy it as a beverage that has some vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

If you fancy a drink, beer is much more beneficial to your body – and much lower in fat – than a soft drink or pasteurized juice.

You cannot forget that these drinks — even the light versions — have a high sugar content and contribute too many calories. Thus, opt for beer.

Consume it in Moderation and Don’t Combine it with High-calorie Foods

What’s considered “moderate” is a daily consumption of 2 to 3 beers for men, and between 1 and 2 for women. Drinking more than this may not be healthy.

It seems obvious, but we must emphasize it: If you combine beer with high-calorie, fatty foods, the mix will almost certainly make you gain weight.

Use it to Rehydrate after Exercise

Did you know that beer can be a great option to rehydrate and replenish mineral salts after exercise? Of course, always do this in moderation and, if possible, in its alcohol-free version.

Beer has maltodextrin, a type of carbohydrate that promotes the recovery of fluids after physical activity.

The Health Benefits of Beer

According to research, the micronutrients contained in beer promote cardiovascular health since it acts to heal damage. Similarly, it has polyphenols, silicon and flavonoids, which help bone health.

Finally, consuming beer is particularly beneficial for women’s health. It has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antiviral properties and improves estrogenic activity.

Via: MedicalDaily | TheGrowler

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