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Baking Soda and Castor Oil Compress – Can Treat Diarrhea, Hepatitis C and Cancer

We suppose that you are already familiar with benefits for the health of castor oil, like relieving the constipation and the anti-inflammation. However, its combination with baking soda can be helpful for easily treating different problems with the health.

Before you start, you will need to make a castor oil compress the treatments (for some of them). Its preparation is simple and all you need is castor oil, clean gauze, plastic sheeting, towel and hot water bottle. Here’s how to get started and what to use it for.

How to Make and Use a Baking Soda and Castor Oil Compress

  • Clean your skin with baking soda solution before and after using the compress
  • Soak the gauze in castor oil that is heated
  • Apply it on the area that is critical, put foil above it and a bottle with hot water above the foil
  • Wrap it in a towel and hold for one hour
  • Rest while holding

Health Problems Treated


  • Place on wounds, bruises, and cuts to help them heal faster
  • Can be helpful in curing wrists that are injured by overnight wrapping in castor oil
  • Relieves pain and itching from insect bites and stings
  • Helps to relief the pain in the lower back if it is applied to the spot once in a week
  • Bleach brown spots on your skin


  • Castor oil has been found to be effective in treating skin cancer and melanoma
  • Alleviates diarrhea which is chronic by applying it to the stomach and covering it
  • Eliminate fungus from the nails by coating the area that is affected daily
  • Can help speed up the healing of Hepatitis C


  • Effectively removes warts even after using it for only four weeks
  • Before shampooing massage the head with the oil for 20 minutes once a week and boost hair growth
  • To treat ocular allergies, rub some castor oil on your eyelids before bedtime.
  • Castor oil’s massaging on the belly during the 8th and 9th month of the pregnancy can prevent the stretch marks.

Maybe literally his combination of baking soda and castor oil is not a ‘miracle’ cure. However, it is still very efficient. Have in mind that its simple preparation and use, and you have a useful addition to your medicine cabinet. Give it a try and let the results speak for themselves!

Via: NaturalLivingIdeas

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