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Apple Cider Vinegar Diet – Does It Actually Work?

Apple cider vinegar has become one of the most popular health products claiming it can help individuals lose weight and even cure some diseases.

For thousands of years, it’s been used for treating pneumonia, detoxification, and a host of other ailments. Acetic acid blocks the absorption of starch, causing glucose to go down.

Apple cider vinegar covers several health benefits from many areas of the body from the heart to the skin. Weight loss is another reason individuals are turning to apple cider vinegar.

Studies have shown taking two tablespoons of the vinegar daily for twelve weeks produced lower visceral fat, body mass index, body weight, triglyceride levels, and waist measurement.

Apple cider vinegar stimulates the body’s ability to break down and derive minerals from protein and fats from the digestive system more efficiently.

Here is more information on what the apple cider vinegar diet does and how to put it into practice.

What the Apple Cider Vinegar Diet Does

Drinking apple cider vinegar before meals will curb an individual’s appetite. Apple cider vinegar increases stomach acid acting as a natural probiotic.

After apples are fermented into vinegar, calcium, potassium, and beta-carotene remain to provide individuals with powerful antioxidants. These vital nutrients are responsible for preventing free radical damage, and keeping the body healthy and running smoothly.

The apple cider vinegar diet will increase the body’s absorption of these minerals to boost metabolism, suppress the appetite, reduce water retention, and help individual’s shed unwanted weight.

Individuals will likely find after a few days they will no longer need coffee, as apple cider vinegar can naturally boost energy.

Basic Recipe Used

The basic recipe used to make this energizing weight loss drink is apple cider vinegar and honey. It’s always best to choose organic raw apple cider vinegar, which individuals can find in most grocery stores.

This recipe is easy to recreate and will keep the immune system healthy throughout the cold winter months.

Individuals can choose to use distilled or sparkling water depending on preference. They just need to combine two cups of water, four tablespoons of organic apple cider vinegar, and a quarter teaspoon of honey in a tall glass, before adding a few ice cubes and mixing until the honey is completely dissolved.

How to Put the Apple Cider Vinegar Diet into Practice?

Both raw apples and apple cider vinegar contain the fiber pectin, which is known to increase an individual’s sense of fullness after they eat, thus lowering their desire to compulsively snack.

Slowly introducing apple cider vinegar is how to put the diet into practice. Individuals can drink two tablespoons of the vinegar straight, mix it with water, or add it to salads as a dressing.

The recommended daily dose is two tablespoons, but individuals should start with one to see how their body reacts.

Organic apple cider vinegar is safe to drink every day, if not exceeding more than four tablespoons. Combine apple cider vinegar with a well-balanced diet and exercise will help accelerate weight loss.

Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Some benefits of apple cider vinegar include improvements in cholesterol, blood sugar, and fullness. The main component in apple cider vinegar is acetic acid, which known to lower blood sugar in patients with type 2 diabetes.

Metabolic disorders also caused by high-fat diets were prevented after taking apple cider vinegar. The acid in the vinegar helps the body maintain an alkaline pH, which promotes vitality and can combat cancer.

An individual’s pH balance measures the body’s alkalinity and acidity. If an individual has high acidity levels, it can lead to acidosis that affects the lungs, kidneys, and kidney stones.

Apple cider vinegar is essential for managing blood sugar levels after meals, which is beneficial for those with diabetes.

Side Effects of Too Much Apple Cider Vinegar

When first starting to use apple cider vinegar, individuals should make sure it’s heavily diluted in water. Excessive doses will cause tooth erosion or burn the throat and mouth, and this is one reason why individuals should rinse their mouths immediately after consuming apple cider vinegar.

The effect apple cider vinegar has on preventing blood sugar spikes can worsen symptoms of gastroparesis. Symptoms will cause bloating, heartburn, and nausea for individuals with type 1 diabetes.

Other side effects of too much apple cider vinegar are the negative interactions with medications. In certain diabetes medicines, it can amplify the effects. It’s important for patients to discuss any concerns about this with their doctor before consuming apple cider vinegar.

Via: EverydayHealth | HealthLine

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