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Ancient Balm – The Best Home Remedy for Burns, Open Wounds and Cuts

In this article we present you ancient home remedy for burns and open wounds that comes from Russia. It is a balm that is treating lots of diseases with centuries.

It is very simple to prepare – all you need is only 3 ingredients. You can use this amazing balm for treating bronchitis, open sores, angina, ulcers, ovaries inflammation, cracked feet and hands and burns.

The usage and way of applying is depending on the condition that is treating.

The Best Home Remedy for Burns, Open wounds and Cuts

Ingredients needed:

  • 400ml of plant oil
  • 1 egg
  • 60 grams of beeswax


Cook the egg and separate its yolk and then mash it. Put the plant oil into pan and place the wax. After you done, cook this on low heat till wax melts into the oil. After starts boiling, put the yolk very smoothly. Shortly, the oil will foam and you should remove the pan fast from stove.

While settles, try to put it back and proceed with putting the egg yolk with constant stirring. When the structure gets dark brown you are done! Remove it and leave it for about 15 to 20 minutes.

Drain it using some thick strainer or gauze. Put this balm in glass jar. You can keep this even 10 months in a refrigerator.


You can apply it orally or locally, use it for wounds, burns, aching areas, etc. Oral application: ½ tsp. 3 times per day (before meals). There are not noticed any side effects, very safe homemade product!

Note: For a local balm usage, use any oil that is natural. For an oral usage – use only olive oil. St. John’s Wort Oil is best for women genital issues.

For sinusitis:

1 tbsp. of the balm put it in pipette and apply this in the nose at every 1 hour.

For tonsillitis and purulent angina:

Oral usage and coating on the neck.

For bronchitis, abdominal pain and body ulcers:

½ tsp. balm, 3 times per day (before meals)

For hemorrhoids:

Place it on gauze or tampon and put it on the spot, leave this overnight, repeat the procedure 10 days (till you see the results).

* You have our permission to reprint this article via creative commons license if you attribute us with a live backlink to this article. – Best Herbal Health

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