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Artemisia annua – Amazing Herb that Kills 98% of the Cancer Cells

Because cancer is one of the most deadly diseases, scientists are constantly trying to find cure that will finally put an end to this disease. One of those cures is this herb – Artemisia annua. For only 16 hours it can kill even 98% of the cancer cells.

In fact, according to a research that has been published in “Life Science”, artemisinin, derived from the herb “Sweet wormwood” or Artemisia annua, is used in the alternative Chinese medicine. It takes only 16 hours to destroy most of the cancer cells (98% of the cancer cells of breast and lung cancer).

The herb causes reduction of the cancer cells (28%), but in combination with iron, Artemisia annua can successfully and completely “erase” almost all cancer cells, while the healthy cells stay under no impact from the herb.

The results from a study conducted in the cancer laboratory at the University of California revealed that artemisinin affects the cell transcription. It interferes with the ‘E2F1′ factor of transcription and therefore it disables the cell division. Artemisinin, intercedes the destruction of the cancer cell and it controls their growth.

artemisia annua

Before it was proved that artemisinin is effective against cancer, it was used as a drug against malaria, because it was quite powerful. While conducting the study scientist’s added iron, which can be easy attached to the cancer infected cells, artemisinin selectively attacked the “bad” cells, and left the “good” cells untouched.

Special receptors that participate in the cell division are responsible for depositing iron in the cancer cells. These receptors are also part of the healthy cells, but the cancer cells have in much greater amounts. As a consequence of this, artemisinin and iron can affect the abnormal cells.

Lots of experiments that were conducted so far prove that if artemisinin is combined with iron it can effectively influence the destruction of cancer cells. In China this combination was used as a cure for malaria for thousands of years.

The first scientists that discover that malaria parasite cannot survive in the presence of artemisinin, because of its rich content of iron, were Henry Lai and Narendra Singh. They were scientist from the University of Washington.

Source:  http://www.washington.edu/


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  1. Allen Summerhayes March 3, 2014 Reply
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  2. Xabier March 4, 2014 Reply
  3. Carri Duncan March 5, 2014 Reply
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