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How to Make Fresh Homemade Aloe Vera Jelly

By making your own Homemade Aloe Vera Jelly, you can guarantee that the highest quality of ingredients was included, and that it does not contains preservatives or harmful substances.

The gel that is inside the plant Aloe Vera has been appreciated in lots of cultures due to the abundance with nutrients and its various applications that are therapeutic.

There are proves that is an excellent antiseptic and natural cleanser that can destroy numerous types of diseases that affect health.

aloe vera jelly

It also stands out as an anti-inflammatory that is natural, ideal for people who have diseases such as arthritis, ulcers, constipation and more.

It contains 19 essential amino-acids.  These compounds are necessary for structuring and forming the proteins that are necessary for the body’s tissues and cells.

The regular consumption of this gel is helpful for the support of the metabolism and for the removal of the toxins that the body has stored.

The best thing is that it is a very flexible ingredient that you can incorporate into your diet in a lots of various ways. Due to its texture that is gelatinous, it can be the base ingredient when making natural jellies.

This natural aloe vera jelly recipe is easily made and creates antacid and tonic that are homemade and can be used in multiple various ways.

What is natural Aloe Vera jelly?

Natural Aloe Vera jelly is a product that is 100% organic and has very few calories and provides several health benefits.

The difference between fruit jellies and jams, this jelly doesn’t contain sugars that are refined sugars or unhealthy chemical additives.

It is made by combining aloe vera gel with another compound – pectin. Pectin is a dietary fiber found in apple cores and apple peels.  It gives the gelatinous structure.

The jelly is easily made at home. It is certainly necessary for the jelly to be coagulated.

How can You Make a Homemade Pectin

homemade pectin

The important thing in making homemade pectin is to use apples that are organic and to use a properly strained nylon straining bag.


  • 900 g apple cores and apple peels
  • 7 l water


  1. Put the apple cores and peels into a large pot. Pour the water. Put it on medium heat. Cook it till it is softened and becomes a puree.
  2. When you get the puree, leave it for a couple of minutes and put it in the nylon straining bag.
  3. Set aside in a bowl and begin to make the jelly.

Homemade Aloe Vera Jelly Recipe

Other ingredient that will be used in this aloe vera jelly recipe is lemon. In this case, it not only provides more nutrients, but it acts as a natural preservative to prolong the shelf life for this product.

Do not expose the aloe vera gel to excessive heat. The excessive heat will cause the nutritional characteristics to reduce.

The addition of the pectin before starting to add the other ingredients is the key to prevent it from boiling.

You will need:

  • 2 mugs aloe vera gel (500 g)
  • 1 1/2 mugs sugar that is organic (350 g)
  • 1 1/2 mugs water (350 ml)
  • 1 Tbsp. pectin (20 g)
  • 2 Tbsp. lemon juice (20 ml)
  • 1 glass jar


  1. Put the water in a pot and begin to heat it with the sugar to create a syrup.
  2. Stir continuously by using a wooden spoon. Keep in mind that it should be well-dissolved.
  3. Keep in mind your cooking time, because if you leave it on heat for longer time it will caramelize.
  4. Once you have the syrup, remove from heat. Let it cool for a couple of minutes, then add the Aloe Vera Gel, the pectin and lemon.
  5. Continue stirring until all ingredients are mixed well. Heat on low heat for complete mixture.
  6. Once you have the consistency that you like, store in the glass jar with a lid.

Method of consumption:

  • This natural aloe vera jelly can be eaten on its own or with fruit and natural juices.
  • Eat one tablespoon in the morning, and another half tablespoon in the afternoon.
  • Eat an additional tablespoon if suffering from heartburn, ulcers or infections.
  • Avoid the excessive consumption because it has laxative characteristics, which could cause undesired effects.

Did you like this recipe? Now you know how to make it at home, so use it with your diet.

Habitual usage of this aloe vera jelly will improve your digestion, help you for losing weight, as well as restrain the development of various types of health problems.

* You have our permission to reprint this article via creative commons license if you attribute us with a live backlink to this article. – Best Herbal Health

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