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9 Tips How to Prevent Prostate Cancer

How to prevent prostate cancer? 

The prostate is an organ located under the bladder and its function is to produce semen. The CDC reports that prostate cancer is the second most frequent malignant growth that affects men in the USA.

As men get older the risk of developing prostate cancer increases. Therefore it is important to know how to prevent prostate cancer.

There’s no way you can definitely stop prostate cancer but there are certain diet changes you can make in order to lower the risk. How to prevent prostate cancer? Well here is a list of health beneficial dietary changes you can start adopting:

Tomatoes and other red foods

Red foods such as tomatoes, watermelons and so on contain a powerful cell reinforcing compound lycopene. Studies show that men who eat more veggies and fruits have a lower risk of developing prostate cancer than those who don’t.

Eating cooked tomatoes make it easier for your body to retain the lycopene and it was also noticed that redder tomatoes have higher amounts of this compound. So always chose red more mature instead of pale tomatoes, because the lycopene levels increases as the tomato matures.

The Power of Fruits and Veggies

Eating fruits and vegetables can be really health beneficial when it comes to prostate cancer because they contain plenty of vitamins and supplements which can lower the risk of developing this disease. Green veggies assist your body in breaking down the cancer causing agents because of their composition. Supplements can also be a wise choice when trying to slow down the spread of cancer.

9 Tips How to Prevent Prostate Cancer

Feast on Fish

We’re familiar with the benefits of omega 3 unsaturated fats but maybe you didn’t know that they can reduce the risk of prostate cancer. These unsaturated fats are highly present in certain types of fish such as sardines, mackerel, trout and salmon.

The University of California, Los Angeles conducted a study into the effects of a diet rich in unsaturated fats and its effects on prostate cancer growth. It was demonstrated that it can significantly slow down the growth and development of malignant cells, and we know that it’s much easier to treat cancer before it spreads.

Soybean and Tea

The American Cancer Society reports that a supplement called isoflavone can lower the risk of prostate tumor. You can increase your intake of isoflavones by eating the following foods:

  • tofu (produced using soybeans)
  • chickpeas
  • lentils
  • alfalfa sprouts
  • peanuts

Green tea has also been reported to lower the risk of prostate cancer by several studies.

The Role Of Fat

Studies have shown a link between animal fats and an increased risk of prostate cancer. Aside from meat, you can find animal fats in butter, milk, dairy products and so on. Try to replace animal fats with plant-based fats whenever you can.

If you are wondering how to prevent prostate cancer, try the following foods for healthy fat intake:

  • Olive oil instead of butter
  • Fruit instead of candy
  • Fresh organic veggies instead of processed food
  • Nuts and seeds instead of dairy products

When cooking try to avoid overcooking the meat because it can create cancer causing agents.

Stop smoking

The American Cancer Society reports that smokers have a higher chance of prostate cancer recurrence as well as developing a more aggressive type of cancer.

If you are a smoker it’s not too late to stop. The ACS shows that patients who stopped smoking for ten years and more had the same mortality risk as the patients who never smoked at all.

Controversial Foods

The National Cancer Institute conducted studies which show that low folate levels in the blood increase the risk of cancer. You can increase your folate levels by eating more green vegetables, beans and orange juice. But be advised not to replace the natural source of folate with supplements folic acid, since it can increase your risk of cancer.

The Importance of Exercise

When it comes to a healthier life exercise is extremely important. It can improve your metabolism and increase the muscle mass. Try the following routines:

  • Walking
  • Running
  • Bicycling
  • Swimming

It doesn’t have to be boring when you’re exercising. Change activities and do it with friends, it’s always more fun when you have company.

Talk to your doctor

Consult with your doctor if you’re worried about the risk of prostate cancer. You should discuss the following points with your doctor:

  • what medical screening tests you should have as you age
  • family history of cancer
  • dietary recommendations

Consult with your doctor if you’re planning to start a new work out regime or you’re experiencing some of the following symptoms:

  • discomfort anywhere in your pelvic or rectal areas
  • difficulty urinating
  • blood in your urine or semen

Via: HealthLine

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