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Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Symptoms that Must Not be Ignored!

The ovaries are female reproductive organs, responsible for reproduction, but they also help balance the sex hormones they secrete. They regulate our menstrual cycle, enable our egg cells to mature and excrete the hormones estrogen and progesterone. Polycystic ovarian syndrome, which is a condition that affects the ovaries, can lead to a number of problems including female infertility.

That’s why it’s important to know the symptoms of this condition and get early diagnosis and treatment so that you can prevent more serious complications.

Here are some of the usual symptoms which accompany the Polycystic ovarian syndrome

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Symptoms

Irregular menstrual cycle

Women suffering from PCOS (Polycystic ovarian syndrome) have a menstrual cycle without ovulation, the egg cells don’t mature which can lead to heavy bleeding. Chronic absence of ovulation or complete lack of the cycle is the clearest indicator of PCOS, as well as a high level of male sex hormones.

Women suffering from this syndrome need to have regular checkups and receive life-long treatments because this syndrome is linked with a number of other serious conditions: anemia, womb bleeding, miscarriages, late-onset menopause, unbalanced fat levels in the blood, heart conditions, cardiovascular disorders, and an increased risk of endometrium and ovarian cancer. Polycystic ovarian syndrome can also increase the risk of diabetes in women for 16%.

Skin and hair changes

Women suffering from this syndrome often experience problems with acne and hair loss.

It can also lead to skin pigmentation changes, darker patches on the neck, under the arms and in the intimate region.

Weight gain

Polycystic ovarian syndrome can cause a hormonal imbalance which decreases the insulin function, slows down the metabolism and create sugar and carbs cravings. This usually leads to weight gain especially in the abdominal area. 60% of women suffering from this syndrome have problems with weight gain and have difficulties shedding the extra pounds.


Inability to conceive can be one of the first signs of PCOS. Numerous studies have shown that losing 10-15% of body weight can improve the ovaries’ function and lead to ovulation and regular menstrual cycle, which increases the chances for pregnancy.

That’s why doctors advise women who want to conceive to have a rich breakfast and light dinner in order to regulate their insulin levels and shed a few pounds in the process.

Alternative treatments

Alternative treatments include healthy diet and changes in your bad lifestyle habits. Experts recommend eating food rich in essential fatty acids, proteins…You need to include more wholegrain products, vegetables, fruit and proteins while limiting the intake of carbs and fats. Control your calories intake and chew your food longer. Wait at least for 20 minutes after your meal to see if you need to eat something sweet.

Aside from losing the extra pounds you need to introduce some other changes in your lifestyle as well, like physical activity, stop smoking and drinking alcohol and adopt an overall healthier lifestyle. Eat breakfast regularly to activate your metabolism, drink lots of fluids and enjoy life in general.

Via: WebMD

One Response

  1. Stefan February 21, 2016 Reply

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