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Kombucha Tea – 7 Health Benefits of This Miraculous Beverage

Do you want to preserve and improve your health? You need a stronger immune system, trying to relieve the problems with indigestion and you want to feel more vital and full with energy? The answer for all those health problems is hidden in kombucha.

It is a fungus from which a fermented beverage is made, which can be safely consumed every day. The fungus is kept in a nutrient solution of tea and sugar, in which it constantly is reproducing by germination.

You can easily grow kombucha by yourself and with a proper treatment you will have faithful companion throughout life.

kombucha tea benefits

It is considered for medicinal purposes, but you can drink it as a refreshing drink although you’re healthy. Do not miss to share with friends too.

Top 7 medicinal properties of kombucha

1. Improves digestion and cures constipation.

It is a natural probiotic. It helps in that balancing the natural flora in the intestines while maintaining the useful and expelling harmful substances.

It inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria and strengthens the immune system. After drinking kombucha, drink the same amount of water, which will also improve digestion.

2. Promotes Weight Loss.

Here’s why the Hollywood stars are going “crazy” for this fungus. Since it enhances the absorption of food and improves digestion, it facilitates weight loss.

Many people are replacing sodas and coffee with this tea, thereby reducing the calorie intake. It has been noticed that kombucha encourages weight gain for skinny or anorexic people.

3. Increases energy levels.

It is believed that provides energy, because it contains valuable minerals and vitamins, and also helps at liver regeneration.

If you drink it after exercise or stress, you will revitalize your body in a natural way.

kombucha benefits

4. Cleanse your liver.

It contains gluconic acid, which cleanses the liver of heavy metals and toxins.

In our body kombucha converts into a powerful antifungal agent – caprylic acid. This acid is recommend by the nutritionists for the treatment of Candida.
Kombucha’s benefits for the liver are increased if you combine it with milk thistle.

5. Strengthens immunity.

Better digestion, cleaner liver and alleviated stress lead to a stronger immune system.

It increases resistance to viral and bacterial diseases. Kombucha helps even with AIDS, and the latest research confirms the positive effect of the fungus in the prevention of cancer.

6. Makes skin youthful and heals eczema.

For skin care, you can apply kombucha locally instead of drinking it. When it is applied to the skin it acts as an astringent and balances oily skin.
Wraps of kombucha tea help with eczema.

7. Preserves hair health.

There are many testimonials that it stimulates the growth and regeneration of hair and prevents gray hairs.

Rinsing your hair with kombucha tea is more effective than expensive salon products.
In addition to the above properties kombucha helps at: atherosclerosis, dizziness, dementia, gout, rheumatism, hemorrhoids and diabetes.

>>>>>>The process of preparing Kombucha can be found here<<<<<<

Possible side effects of consuming Kombucha tea.

At the beginning of kombucha tea consumption you might feel worse because of the process of detoxification.
The reason for this is not the tea, but the toxins that your body discharges. Therefore, it is necessary initially to drink tea in small quantities.
In case of any side effects further reduce your intake of tea, and after the symptoms are gone again increase the amount.

* You have our permission to reprint this article via creative commons license if you attribute us with a live backlink to this article. – Best Herbal Health

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