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Experience the Healing Power of Honey Water

Health benefits of honey are well known, but not everyone knows the health benefits of honey water. The mixture of these two compounds has long been used for treating different types of diseases and also for cosmetics purposes. It was also used as a delicious beverage during different celebrations.

Mix one teaspoon of honey with one glass of lukewarm tap water. This way you will get 30% solution of honey which in its composition is identical to plasma. In the water honey forms a compound which increases the healing ability of the water itself.

The mixture of water and honey is quickly absorbed by the body. Honey water can improve the digestion, all parts of the gastrointestinal tract and it boosts up the work of lazy bowels. It also improves immunity and cures colds and bronchitis.

All of the parasites that can be found in the human’s digestive tract dislike yellow color. With this healing water you will clean your intestines out of feces deposits. So, if you feel like gaining weight in the beginning of this process do not panic because fecal stones are swelling. This is their beginning phase of getting out of the body.

Experience the Healing Power of Honey Water

In time the colon work starts normalizing. Consuming this honey water will restore the intestinal micro flora. By drinking this water you will say good bye to the uncontrolled night urinating.

Honey is hygroscope, it collects water, and so, kidneys and bladder are not overworking during the night. Honey water should be consumed early in the morning on an empty stomach because in the morning our stomach is empty and our body absorbs the most.

This amazing beverage with extraordinary healing powers should be consumed both early in the morning and late in the evening before you go to bed. Make sure you consume this drink while it is fresh, so, do not pre-prepare it.

Since this mixture feeds the skin, you can use it to wash your face with it. However, this is a great natural cosmetic that has been used since ancient times.

* You have our permission to reprint this article via creative commons license if you attribute us with a live backlink to this article. – Best Herbal Health


  1. Ed Harrell September 26, 2014 Reply
    • BestHH September 26, 2014 Reply
  2. Larry October 18, 2015 Reply

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