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Cabbage Juice – Remedy for 100 Diseases and Protects Against Colon Cancer

When it comes to healthy food and a natural cure for a disease, the relationship between those two concepts is quite close. Very often the remedy is very cheap; it can’t be even imagined how simple it can be got.  There is a belief that has been presented to people that an expensive medicine has to be bought and that solution is the only cure.

However, this is just so the pharmacological industry can profit, while we hope for a miracle. Therefore, we encourage you to consume simple food that is nutritious and return to the root of the cure for the disease.

We think it is worth trying before spending tons of money on some medicine that might not work, right?  In this article we talk about the number one cure, worldwide, which is abundant with vitamin C and known and used by our ancestors- cabbage and its juice.

Cabbage is a great source of vitamins like B6, K, folate, dietary fiber, antioxidants and minerals. It also has antiseptic and anti-disease effects, because of the compounds sulforaphane and glucosinolates which stimulate the enzymes of the digestive system and help the body detoxify.

The compound sulfophane has also been shown to protect cells from cancer. In many studies it has been shown that the cruciferous vegetables, including cabbage, are on the top of the list of fighting colon cancer.

Nevertheless, cabbage will help you with the following diseases: liver, breast, ovary or lungs cancer as well as other types of this disease, hangovers, chronic coughing, arthritis, inflammations, anemia, stomach ulcers, etc.

cabbage juice

What is also very important is that cabbage is helpful for losing weight, it boosts the metabolism, eases the problems with constipation and prevents the sugar into fat conversion.

Cabbage Juice Recipe

So, now that we have mentioned the benefits of the cabbage that are amazing, let us reveal the ingredients of the cabbage juice:


The cabbage should be soaked in the warm water and a little bit of apple cider vinegar should be poured onto it. The stem chopped off with a knife and the cabbage should be cut in two halves.

The halves of the cabbage should fit the juicer that you will use. Blend one half of the cabbage until you get juice for drinking. When it comes to the other half, you can save it and use it for later.

There is no restriction of the daily amount of the cabbage juice that should be drunk. Of, course we have to point out that the result of any excess juice may be bloating and intestinal gas. So, the juice from only one cabbage would be the adequate amount for one day.

You can divide it into 2, as in the recipe, and drink the first half in the morning and the second one in the evening.

Enjoy your healthy Cabbage juice!

Via: Wikipedia | JuicingForHealth

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